Strong programme planning and facilitation skills were essential for this IAPB Webinar to run smoothly as we heard from high profile keynote speakers from the International Eye Health sector.
It was very exciting to be part of this Global Launch of the White Paper on Eye Health in China and to celebrate the work of The National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness and the success of Vision 2020 in China. We also heard from The Vision Loss Expert Group and the IAPB Vision Atlas and also video reflections on the 14th 5-year National Eye Health Plan in China.
I absolutely loved being part of this IAPB Webinar as the MYT Programme lead for the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) Events team. In order to deliver this webinar smoothly with so many different speakers, it was essential to plan thoroughly and gather all of the content in advance ensuring that all high profile speakers were invited in advance of the start time. All content and spotlighting was managed smoothly by our MYT technician and co-host – these complex programmes really require strong team work and attention to detail throughout. We did have a few connectivity issues we needed to resolve for one of our keynote speakers but by having a full team on the webinar, it meant I was able to voiceover and resolve the issue very quickly. I really like to create a very calm and friendly atmosphere for all of the events I am involved in; clear updates and communication with our audience and speakers are so important in easing any issues, offering reassurance and taking the ‘nerves’ out of these high-profile events.
When you are live streaming to Facebook and have 75-90 minutes of valuable time to get your message across, thorough planning and a smooth, professional deliver are absolutely key!
If you are interested in watching the full webinar, please visit the IAPB NGO YouTube Channel.